Positivity and Puppy Love

by | Oct 28, 2021

At the end of April 2021, my boyfriend and I picked up our new best friend; a 15 pound, 12-week-old rescue puppy born in Mississippi. We were immediately in love with our sweet southern belle, Bonnie. 

While I have been a life-long dog lover, Bonnie is the first dog I’ve ever owned. I knew that having a dog was going to be great, but I had no idea how much I could love this little animal and how much joy she would bring us. 

picture of a dog near a lakeSeeing life through the eyes of a puppy makes you appreciate the little things – who knew how exciting a leaf tumbling across the street could be! Or how exciting a bowl of dry kibble could be! Or the overwhelming joy you could experience when you see your best puppy friend at the dog park!

I must say, rescuing a shelter dog that had a tough start at life has not been all rainbows and butterflies.  As we got to know Bonnie’s personality, we quickly learned that she is pretty shy and very afraid of strangers. Bonnie’s early days are a bit of a mystery to us, but helping her overcome some of her fears and become a happy, healthy puppy has been so rewarding.

She’s also helped us be more active and explore new areas around us. We definitely enjoy the great outdoors a lot more now that we have Bonnie.

Living in Boston, we don’t have a big backyard for her to run around in; but on the other hand, she gets to go to the beach all the time. Bonnie’s favorite thing is to splash around in the bay and roll around in the sand, it’s her version of Disney World.

Adopting Bonnie has been the best decision for us. She makes us laugh and smile every day and nothing melts my heart like puppy hugs and kisses. 

There are so many animals that need a loving home. If you are interested in getting a pet, I recommend checking out the animal rescues in your area to give a forever home to a dog or cat in need.

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