Living through Kindness

by | Jun 15, 2023

For most people, kindness isn’t an act, a chore, or something that you should be recognized for.  Kindness just lives inside you! It makes you feel wonderful! It comes in many forms…a gift, a hug, a thought, recognition, consideration, a smile, a nod, holding the door open, carrying someone’s groceries, taking out the trash, tucking their tag in, grabbing their favorite snack, and sending some flowers…the list is endless.  

I would like to think that I am a kind person. Not always (I have my moments but doesn’t everyone).  There are times I share what I have done, or what I plan to do, in hopes that someone out there can see it, and it may prompt them to be kind and / or join in my efforts. Or, if shared, it may let others know that kindness, in this day and age, still exists and gives hope that there are better days to come.

collage of imagesFor many years, I have volunteered to feed the homeless. This is something that makes not only my heart happy, but it also helps many people that are in need.  And let’s face it, it is just the right thing to do.  This act of kindness has ranged from preparing large meals to serve at shelters, purchasing and distributing items for Easter, Thanksgiving, and Christmas, to recently making a trip up the road to fill the tiny pantries.

I have a couple friends, down on their luck, and wanted to bring a smile to their face.  I just wanted to let them know that things will get better and that they were loved.  I went to the dollar tree store and purchased items to make up Valentine’s baskets, and secretly dropped them at their house.

I also love to read.  I tend to read quickly, and books are just a distraction and escape from the real world – even if only for a day.  There is no reason to keep the books I read, so why not share the love.  Also, I’ve already paid for the book, no need for “reimbursement” so I just give them away as I read them, mostly by posting on social media to offer up for those who are interested. 

We live in a world where many people are out for themselves.  They are no longer kind, but are cynical and selfish. Talking care of and being kind to yourself is important.  Being selfish to the point that you are no longer kind, is not what this world needs.

Kindness is contagious and it makes you feel good!  Make kindness a part of who you are!

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