What brings you joy?

I would say watching my daughter and wife succeed in their goals. Watching others succeed in what they do matters.

What would you like to learn?

I would like to learn more detailed information technology, in terms of data manipulation or Excel. My family has also gotten into cross-fit, so I’d like to build up my muscles in the next few months.

Who or what inspires you?

I would say my wife inspires me a lot recently, she’s come out of her shell, and I’ve been able to see her success in building communities. I’ve also got friends who inspire me when they succeed in what they set out to accomplish. Professional athletes inspire me, especially those who balance being mothers and fathers too.

What is your proudest moment at netlogx?

I would have to say that it was when I volunteered to write out project requirements without fully knowing what that entailed. It took a long time, but that document was used to successfully manage the project both by us and the client.

If you could talk to your teenage self, what would you say?

I would say to stop just playing video games and learn how they work! Everything was there ready for us (millennials) and I never learned how it worked, there were folks who were probably making their own computers!

What is your favorite book or movie and why?

My favorite book is Norm McDonald’s Autobiography “Based on a True Story: A Memoir” He reads it himself. “Patch Adams” used to be my favorite movie, but now it’s more “What Dreams May Come.”

What would you write on the netlogx Before I Die wall?

I would write that I want to win a cross-fit competition. I do want to hike up Kilimanjaro, Everest is just overkill! I’d also love to see some of Asia.

What does Information Management mean to you?

Information Management means the right person, the right time, and framed to the best of your ability. The information isn’t going to change when you present something, but how you frame it and the timing is key to successfully managing communication.

What does wellness at netlogx mean to you?

Wellness at netlogx to me means being able to actively do the things that I want to do without pain, excessive tiredness, and regret.

How would you describe netlogx’ culture?

netlogx’ culture to me is collaborative, it seems more and more like a mosaic, we all fit together in some way, and all the pieces make up something larger together.

What is a fun fact about you? Or the most exciting thing you’ve ever done or place you’ve ever been? 

One thing about me is that I’ve been to more than 15 countries! Also, I love to barbecue. I’m on a team to strengthen our streets for Indy’s Wheeler Mission, so me and another guy are working at a barbeque to raise money for them.