The most valuable resource of any organization is its people—their expertise, dedication, and the caring attitude they bring to their work every day.
Inspiration through Mother Nature
Inspiration: This year’s HR initiative at netlogx is INSPIRATION, which got me thinking about who or what inspires me.
Kindness is a Virtue
Kindness is not only one of the netlogx operating principles, but it is also our theme for this year.
Seven Considerations for a Successful Program
To effectively manage a program, we must first understand the focus and goals of a program.
How to Implement Sustainable Performance Management Practices in the Workplace
Managing employee performance is vital in any workplace.
Interview with Tabatha Anderson, netlogx Consultant
I would have to say probably receiving the netlogx Chabotwsie award last year, it came at a pivotal moment in my life!
Hybrid work: What’s changed – and what hasn’t
Today’s work environment bears little resemblance to pre-pandemic times.
Flexible work arrangements are key to hiring, employee retention and working smarter
This blog was posted on Inside INdiana Business's website here. Hybrid work is no longer going to be the exception, but the expectation for the modern day workforce. In a survey by FlexJobs’ conducted in 2021, an astounding 97% of workers desire some form of remote...
Mind Over Matter: How to Trick Yourself into Exercising!
We all know that wellness is important and carving out time for exercise can be challenging with our hectic lives.
Broadening real-world internship experience
The pandemic changed a lot in 2020 and as companies recalibrate their operations, that includes re-thinking their internship program.
netlogx Rethinks Traditional Internship Program
INDIANAPOLIS – Indianapolis-based consulting firm netlogx says it is rethinking the typical internship program.
Virtual onboarding: 7 tips for success
Starting a new job is stressful even under the best of conditions, but it is especially challenging in today’s remote business environment.