Business Process Reengineering (BPR) and State Government

by | Jul 28, 2016

Laura Shanahan – netlogx Business Analyst

Have you ever encountered roadblocks with an assigned activity, task or process? Do you feel frustrated when internal/external influences negatively impact your business area?

If you answered “Yes”, then BPR may be just what you need to remove roadblocks and create paths towards transformative solutions.

Our BPR methodology is simple to facilitate, requires minimal resources, and includes several steps:

  • gathering documented business process information,
  • drafting and reviewing the mapped process with involved stakeholders,
  • identifying issues, and
  • developing recommendations to resolve

An investment in BPR can quickly be realized and offers opportunities to:

  • understand the business before trying to fix it,
  • seek the root cause of problems,
  • assign the right resources to the right tasks,
  • identify impacts of change
  • provide the building blocks for an improved “To-Be” process,
  • provide standardization, consistency and continuous improvement,
  • eliminate waste and increase efficiencies for team members, and
  • streamline delivery to recipients to improve customer focus

The experienced BPR team at netlogx can put you on a path toward understanding the why’s of your roadblocks and how’s of your solutions.  We have demonstrated value, quick turnaround on deliverables and allow the state to own and easily maintain maps as living documents for use.

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