The Internet Can Inspire

“Inspiration is a feeling of enthusiasm you get from someone or something that gives you new and creative ideas,” as defined in the Oxford Dictionary.  As I focus on this, I am reminded of the people in my life who I am inspired by on a daily basis. 

This may surprise some people, but I am inspired by many of the influencers I follow. I strive to use social media as a way to enhance my life, not to hinder it. Many of the accounts I follow are uplifting, positive, and depict real life, offering ways to better their community. For example, one account shares gift ideas all year long. She shows you how to take an ordinary gift like a charcuterie board and make it a wonderful gift by simply placing the charcuterie board in a cellophane bag with an opening towards the handle of the board. Then, use ribbon to tie your linens and/or cheese knives to the charcuterie board handle in the bag. You can add greenery and red berries. I absolutely love this creator’s gifting ideas, and it inspires me to try them when I am giving hostesses, birthday or holiday gifts to family and friends. 

Another influencer inspires me to cook healthier without forfeiting the taste. Their recipes are delicious, and they provide practical tips to make healthy living easy and delicious. Many of their recipes are low-carb copycats; they also have a Mediterranean meal plan. One of my favorite Mediterranean meals is a Salmon Niçoise Salad. All of these recipes inspire me to eat healthier and follow one of my life goals to live a healthier lifestyle without a great deal of meal preparation.

In the area of a healthy lifestyle, I was influenced to purchase a twelve-pound weighted vest. After I saw a creator using a weighted vest for a few months, I was inspired to purchase one myself. I use it when I walk—normally three miles a day. I wear it around the house when I am doing laundry, cooking, and any general house chores. There are many advantages to wearing a weighted vest while exercising or any movement around your house, including:

  • Building muscle: The extra weight makes your muscles work harder, which can lead to bigger muscle size and definition. 
  • Improving balance and posture: The weighted vest works your core muscles, which can help you maintain good posture and improve your balance. 
  • Improving cardiovascular health: The extra weight makes your heart and lungs work harder, which can improve your cardiovascular endurance and stamina. 
  • Burning more calories: You’ll burn more calories when you wear a weighted vest while exercising. 
  • Improving bone density: Research shows that wearing a weighted vest can help prevent or reverse bone loss. 

All in all, inspiration can be found fairly easily; just look around and be open to new experiences.

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