Interview with Tyler Fosnaugh, netlogx Consultant

What brings you joy?

I would say adventure and excitement, I like doing new things. 

What would you like to learn?

I would like to further learn how to cook.

Who or what inspires you?

I would say the people who are able to survive, who have shown perseverance and still have a positive outlook on life. 

What is your proudest moment at netlogx?

I think I would have to say my first RFP presentation for a client and going with a more Senior Consultant but being able to field all the questions independently.

If you could talk to your teenage self, what would you say?

I would say cut your hair! You’re doing exactly what you should be doing, things will be hard at times but that will make you a stronger person. 

What is your favorite book or movie, and why?

Bill Byson is my favorite author, A Short History of Nearly Everything is my favorite book of his, it’s historical but at the same time he’s a really funny writer!

How can you make change work for you? 

We’re all constantly changing, as is the world. You can plan ahead and change in the direction that you want to move in.  

What does wellness at netlogx mean to you?

Wellness at netlogx to me means work-life balance, we’re encouraged to take breaks, to move around, to take care of your family, and that ultimately leads to healthier lives. 

How would you describe netlogx’ culture?

netlogx is a company that encourages you to be your authentic self – we should all bring that version of ourselves to work. 

What is a fun fact about you? Or the most exciting thing you’ve ever done or place you’ve ever been? 

I’d say a fun fact about me is I am trying to summit every high point in the United States, I’ve done 16 so far! Also my parents hated me for doing this, but I went to Thailand for a week – and then went to Hong Kong by myself! It was fun and all worked out fine. 

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