When given the wellbeing initiative challenge this year by netlogx to do something positive for ourselves, somebody else or our community, I wanted to do something that would have a longer lasting impact than, say, taking a one-week vacation. While a trip away could certainly have a positive impact by providing a needed break from work to recharge and refresh, I wanted to do something that I could enjoy beyond a one-week span.
Ever since the COVID-19 pandemic began, I’ve been working remotely and spending much more time at home than ever before. As a result, I decided that having more flowers around would both brighten the landscaping and my mood.
First came the acquiring of plants for this project. I purchased the majority of my flowers from two (2) sources. The first source, Blooming Hope Greenhouse, is an endeavor of Hope Center Indy which supports the lives of women recovering from human trafficking and addictions. By supporting this organization, I felt I was meeting the challenge of doing something positive for the community. The second source of flowers and plants came from Countryside Greenhouse, an Amish-owned nursery approximately seventy (70) miles east of Indianapolis. My husband and I drove the county backroads to get there, talking, laughing, eating lunch out and just enjoying the time together. (That counted as doing something positive for somebody else as my husband got to pick the lunch place and I bought, so – positive thoughts from him.)

Next came the planting. After I started pulling together all of the flowers and plants I had bought, I realized I’d gone a little overboard. But I was positive I’d find a place for all of them. So, I grabbed the trowel, gardening gloves and potting soil and got to work planting with my dog, Callie, following along to supervise.
The end result has been colorful and fragrant arrays of blooms all around the house. Whenever I look out my windows, sit outside or pull up in the car, I get to enjoy what I’ve planted. Even the tasks of watering, pruning and weeding have been positive as I’ve found them to be a relaxing and satisfying way to spend some quiet time outdoors enjoying the fresh air, flowers and listening to the birds sing. Definitely checks the box for doing something positive for myself.

Thanks, netlogx, for a positively wonderful challenge.