What makes you happy and helps you to be a positive person? As I reflect on this question, I think about my life in general and the many events and activities I have had the opportunity to experience. I consider myself an upbeat and positive person. I used to think I was lucky to have been given such a blessed and abundant childhood and adulthood. However, I know that it isn’t just luck it is also hard work by my family and choices to look at the glass half full vs half empty – choosing to be positive when life deals you adversity.
The 2021 netlogx theme is POSITIVITY. By definition, positivity is “the practice of being or tendency to be positive or optimistic in attitude.” Team members have the opportunity to do something that creates positivity in your day, month, or life and then write a blog about the experience.
Attending a goat yoga class with my daughter was a new encounter for both of us. I love spending time with her, and this time was no different. We laughed and did yoga all while goats were roaming around us and even jumping on our backs.
We were given instructions on how to handle the goats before yoga class began. In addition, we had a cup of food to feed the goats which attracts them to you immediately. Once I was used to having the goats around me while I was doing yoga, I embraced and appreciated their presence.

There was a sweet, smaller, and younger goat that had beautiful blue eyes. She was a regular visitor of mine. Her demeanor was gentle and kind. I thought about bringing her home with me. Then quickly realigned my thinking as I realized I know nothing about caring for a goat. I decided attending a goat yoga class was a better option to spend time with goats.
There are positive benefits to doing goat yoga (animal therapy). Once you get past the cuteness overload, animal therapy helps with lowering blood pressure, cholesterol levels, and even physical pain, but for children with autism, it helps foster important connections that may increase self-confidence.
Goats, particularly baby goats, are great for animal therapy because they don’t need to develop a relationship with you before coming right up and interacting with you. Their friendliness and outgoing demeanor make it easy to connect with them instantly.
Goat yoga class was an uplifting and positive experience. Having the goats walk around freely added extra therapy and joy; while enjoying yoga with my daughter. I recommend trying goat yoga!