Take a Look Around to Find Inspiration

Inspiration is all around us. It can be derived internally, externally…today or tomorrow. The exciting part about inspiration is the wonder of the WHAT and the WHEN – what shape is the inspiration going to arrive in and when is it going to strike?

Now, as far as the WHAT, you name it! 

  • Witnessing an act of kindness 
  • Seeing hard work
  • Witnessing true love
  • Being in nature
  • Understanding an abstract piece of art
  • Listening to a new type of music
  • Hearing someone tell you their success story

 And so many more – there are TONS of ways inspiration can introduce itself!

be your own inspirationThe effects of inspiration are fun because it can inspire you to try new things, adventure in new directions, and push yourself in areas you haven’t explored. More so, it can instill feelings and emotions that you may not even know that your body is craving. For example, while walking down my driveway to get my mail, I happen to witness a bypasser stop to help a neighbor struggling to carry a heavy box. This inspires me to seek out a way to help a neighbor soon. Or, while I might not actively seek out new ways to help my neighbors, it may simply hit me right in the heartstrings and make me appreciate the kind, safe, neighborly environment I am so fortunate to live in. Both were inspired by my coincidental witnessing of that kind of act.

The other interesting factor – WHEN. Inspiration can strike randomly by an external force or even be somewhat created internally by your own purposeful doing. In the example above, watching a kind act of service was an external driver that was completely spontaneous. These are life’s surprise gifts to you. 

On the other end, you may have goals, aspirations, or otherwise that can help you create your own inspiring events. For example, an artist or a writer likely has an active objective to create something beautiful. That person is pursuing actions and completing tasks to reach those related goals. However, sometimes things take time, go in an unplanned direction, or just go wrong completely. In this scenario, that artist/author may explore a new path, like going to an exciting art exhibit or reading an obscure piece of literature. This tactful approach is something they may take to “spark” some inspiration in an attempt to get them back on the path to complete their original objective.

Inspiration is out there – go find it or be open to it finding you.

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