Extend Kindness
In a world where we face various challenges, extending kindness is often underrated. Choosing kindness can be a superpower. Extending kindness gestures holds the power to make a meaningful difference in people’s lives. Kindness [...]
Techniques for Mild Stress Management
If one thing is certain in life, it’s stress. Some stress is positive, like standing up in front of an enthusiastic crowd to sing your favorite song at karaoke night. Some stress is negative, [...]
Interview with Harry Taylor, netlogx Google Workplace Administrator
What brings you joy? I would say hanging out with friends and people I care about. What would you like to learn? I would like to learn more programming skills. Who or what inspires [...]
Repaying a Neighbor
As an example of good karma, I present my neighbor, Bob, and how his thoughtful assistance to my family and our neighbors has returned to him through kindly acts from me and my fellow [...]
The Path Less Traveled
Wellness can take multiple forms and definitions, whether it be physical, mental, or emotional; and the ways you can promote positive wellness and wellbeing can be even more diverse. A few ways that I [...]
Interview with Mark Lambert, netlogx Senior Consultant
What brings you joy? I would say definitely my new baby Molly, as well as bouldering and rock climbing, friends, and music. What would you like to learn? I would like to learn a [...]