Wellness – It’s More Than a Word, It’s a State of Mind
This blog was posted on Inside INdiana Business's website here. According to the World Health Organization, “wellness is a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being, and not merely the absence of disease or [...]
How to Build a Security-focused Culture
Information security is critical for any organization, but building an environment in which employees are aware of potential vulnerabilities and proactively work to prevent breaches can be challenging. Incorporating a strong security focus into [...]
Tips to Productively Pull Off Working Remotely
This blog was posted on Inside INdiana Business's website here. There likely isn’t a single business leader who could have foreseen that in 2020 a global pandemic would force large parts of their [...]
Interview with Matt McNeer, netlogx Consultant
What brings you joy? I would say I love to bake! I am fairly tactile - I loved playdough when I was a kid. I like making pizza, bread, and pasta. I find baking [...]
Intern Wellness
If you’re reading this you are probably already somewhat aware of netlogx’ dedication to cultivating an environment that is healthy for its team members. Our three interns have been tasked with writing three tips [...]
RTV6 “Hiring Hoosiers”
This video was posted on RTV6's segment here. netlogx has a robust parental leave policy that could serve as an example for other companies in Central Indiana that wish to make their workplace [...]