Intricacies of Project Management Communication & How to Manage Them
It’s no secret that strong communication plays an integral role in successful project management.
Finding Inspiration Through Yoga
Inspiration can often seem fleeting, but it is deeply personal and ever-present, especially in the practice of yoga.
Inspiration Close to Home
Inspiration: Merriam-Webster dictionary defines it, in part, as an inspiring agent or influence.
Interview with Beth Clark, netlogx Business Development Consultant
I would say firstly my son, and family and friends. Family is really important to me.
How to Create Buy-in: The Intersection between OCM and Process Management
Change is integral to growth and success, but it isn’t always welcomed with open arms.
The key players in process management and their roles
Process management ensures an organization can function at its highest level, optimizing effectiveness.
Wellness Routines During Change
As we headed into the chilly Chicago winter, I had to adapt my morning routine to stay active and meet my wellness goals.
Interview with Karen Sandoval, netlogx Consultant
At the end of the day, about 6 p.m., I review what I have done at the end of the day, and if I have had a full day, that brings me joy.
netlogx Team Members Enhance Expertise and Capabilities with Professional Certifications
netlogx, a leading management consulting services firm that guides clients nationwide through operational challenges, has announced that a number of team members recently have become Prosci Certified Change Practitioners.
Keeping my Mind Fresh through Competition
Twice a week, I go to a local game store nearby to play trading card games, and through this hobby, I’ve been able to take better care of myself mentally and emotionally.
Journaling is the act of transforming your daily experiences, thoughts, and feelings into words.
Inspiration through Mother Nature
Inspiration: This year’s HR initiative at netlogx is INSPIRATION, which got me thinking about who or what inspires me.
Let’s Partner
netlogx has a proven track record of aiding governments and businesses with strategic, hands-on support to bring projects to successful completion. Contact us to learn more about our capabilities and how we can support your organization.