Identifying and Improving Personal Processes
When you think of implementing a new process or procedure, you may not immediately think of examples of processes in your everyday life—but processes are a huge part of day-to-day life, whether you realize [...]
Sunshine, My only Sunshine
From a project manager (PM) viewpoint, a project coordinator (PCr) is the “Sunshine that makes me happy” throughout the day…And every project manager that I know would say: “Please don’t take my sunshine away”! [...]
Everyday Processes Offer Purpose
Process in everyday life can be quite challenging for some and critical for others. Some people are okay waking up and moving through their day without an “agenda,” however, others are not. Having and [...]
Wellness Starts with Small Steps
There is a saying, “when you are overweight, even drinking water adds on weight,” and it was a feeling I agreed with at one point in time. About two years ago, my BMI index [...]
A Shift to Positivity
Having recently moved into a new house by myself with my two dogs, I realized how quickly priorities can shift. I’m a frequent gym-goer. After letting the gym go for about a month, getting [...]
How to React Efficiently and Effectively in The Face of Change
I recently noticed that my perception of the word “change” has, well, changed. Until recently, the word “change” has always had a negative connotation in my mind. This was a subconscious feeling, but it [...]