Interview with Laura Shanahan, netlogx Senior Consultant
What brings you joy? A completed task, whether it be work related or not, always brings me joy. Knowing that I’ve completed the task to the best of my abilities or with the help of [...]
Organization Change Management: How to Create Buy-in
Change is inevitable, what matters is how you react to it. Or better yet, how you plan for it. The famous netlogx words, “we help you survive and thrive in a dangerous world,” are not [...]
Sara Jones Selected as Indy’s Best and Brightest Finalist
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Media Contact: Brittani Martel, Porch Light PR 317.629.1669, [email protected] Sara Jones Selected as Indy’s Best and Brightest Finalist Junior Achievement of Central Indiana honors 100 of central Indiana’s most outstanding young [...]
netlogx Named Small Business Winner of the 2020 Inspire Award
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Media Contact: Brittani Martel, Porch Light PR 317.629.1669, [email protected] netlogx Named Small Business Winner of the 2020 Inspire Award Luncheon Benefiting College Mentors for Kids Celebrated the Power of Mentoring in [...]
Change is a Process – Not an Event
When I think about change, I recall one of Mahatma Gandhi’s famous quotes, “You must be the change you wish to see in the world.” If I am the change, then how I engage with [...]
Interview with Phil Canada, netlogx Principal Consultant
What brings you joy? My hobbies and work bring me joy. There’s joy to be found in everything and at any level. What are you most afraid of? I am most afraid of how my [...]