Keeping my Mind Fresh through Competition
Twice a week, I go to a local game store nearby to play trading card games, and through this hobby, I’ve been able to take better care of myself mentally and emotionally. I [...]
“I write to remember. What I don’t write is blown by the wind of oblivion.” Isabel Allende Journaling is the act of transforming your daily experiences, thoughts, and feelings into words. It is a [...]
Inspiration through Mother Nature
Inspiration: This year’s HR initiative at netlogx is INSPIRATION, which got me thinking about who or what inspires me. So many things and people came to mind, and it was hard to know where [...]
Reclaiming Time, by turning No into Yes
Wellness, especially in our digitally enabled world, can take many forms. When I find myself contemplating my own wellness and health, I often find myself trapped by the thought that I need to do [...]
Finding Inspiration in Friendships
Inspiration is defined as “the process of being mentally stimulated to do or feel something, especially to do something creative.” However, a secondary definition is of “the drawing in of breath; inhalation.” It is [...]
Inspiration Grows Where Love Is Rooted
I’ve been asked many times throughout my life where my inspiration comes from or what inspires me. I think that has changed over time and sometimes depends upon the situations or circumstances I encounter. [...]