Going the Extra Mile
What's a recent problem you encountered and solved with your team for a client or organization? The Michigan team began working with Interstate Compact on the Placement of Children (ICPC) at the State of Michigan [...]
Interview with Rick Wilminko, netlogx Senior Consultant
What brings you joy? Playing music brings me joy, as well as riding my horse, Cowboy’s Artwork, or Cowley. What are you most afraid of? Black widow spiders are what I am most afraid of. [...]
netlogx’ Audrey Taylor Selected as 2018 Women of Influence Award Winner
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE November 9, 2018 Media Contact: Brittani Martel, Porch Light PR 317.629.1669, [email protected] netlogx’ Audrey Taylor Selected as 2018 Women of Influence Award Winner Presented by Indianapolis Business Journal, the award spotlights women [...]
Thanks for all you have done for me, netlogx!
Have you ever wanted to leave your employment because you were not given the tools and training to “move up” or achieve the next level? If you have, maybe now is the time to make [...]
Five (5) More Languages
When I first got my Core Values Index (CVI) score from netlogx I was completely fascinated by the results. It made me think about my personality in a new light and it also confirmed some [...]
Data Driven Decisions
There is so much data readily available, but how much of it do I use to inform my decisions? Am I aware of the data I have available? Do I track data I do not [...]