Change, Transformation, Clarity & Effectiveness
Working on a Business Process Re-engineering (BPR) team, we get to witness first-hand how netlogx can implement change, transformation, clarity, and effectiveness into a business. However, the client team finds that it can be [...]
Inspire Your Heart with Art
January 31st is Inspire Your Heart with Art Day. Of the wide array of art created in the world, it’s the pieces that move us to tears or cause us to burst out in laughter [...]
Opportunity Knocks. We Have to Answer the Door
Working remotely has its advantages. My daily commute has gone from over an hour to less than a minute. It’s exactly twelve steps from my front door to my office. I can get there in [...]
Learning About the Three “R’s” of Proposals
I am relaxed and recharged after visiting the fine city of Indianapolis to attend the recent netlogx team building activities. Despite plenty of team members being caught up with billable work, those of us remaining [...]
National Compliment Day
Compliment: a polite expression of praise or admiration. You catch more flies with honey than you do with vinegar is an English proverb which means that you will be more successful in life if you [...]
Team Diversity – Harness the Energy
Diversity in a team can create an explosion of ideas and plans. Every person has their own unique personality, background and experiences. Individuals pull from their experiences and background to help formulate thoughts and ideas. [...]