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Celebrating World Kindness Day

World Kindness Day is a day that encourages individuals to overlook boundaries, race and religion. There are a lot of problems in the world today. Mass shootings, bullying, natural disasters, riots, … The world needs [...]


Unfortunately, hunger has become more than just an epidemic.  There are multiple people across the world who are affected daily.  World Food Day is celebrated each year on October 16th to memorialize the founding of [...]

The Procurement Process

pro·cure·ment prəˈkyo͝ormənt/ noun noun: procurement; plural noun: procurements the action of obtaining or procuring something. "financial assistance for the procurement of legal advice" the action or occupation of acquiring military equipment and supplies. "defense procurement" [...]

Think Positive, Be Positive

“Think Positive, Be Positive” – Unattributed This concise and straightforward quote speaks to me. What a great way to start each day with a positive outlook on life. Wouldn’t the world be a better place [...]

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