Making sure it works: Security system testing services
When you invest in a security solution which looks after your company’s sensitive data, you want to make sure that it works. We understand that, so we offer testing services for your product throughout its development.
This testing gives an independent view of whether the system is proving itself. It can take one of two forms, but for maximum effect a combination of the two is used:
- Black Box – which involves the tester having some knowledge of your systems
- White Box – which means that the tester has full knowledge of your applications
Our people will guide you through their testing services, which include some or all of these elements:
- Identifying any non-essential functions which leave your data exposed
- Monitoring network traffic for the transmission of any information that an attacker could exploit
- Testing a range of typical vulnerabilities
- Testing your solution’s resilience to inappropriate data
- Reviewing your systems software for known security flaws
- Reviewing how your infrastructure is put in place and checking that it is secure
- Making sure that your applications aren’t prone to ‘fail open’
- Assessing how your sensitive information is protected and access to it is administrated
Why allow us to test your security system?
A netlogx security system testing service:
- Gives independent, expert assurance that your system will resist a range of attacks
- Draws on extensive knowledge to devise potential threat scenarios
- Gives you the benefit of objective, independent and current knowledge of security profiles which are available off the shelf, together with their applications
- Offers security expertise to advise on best practice when putting your solution in place, on any remedial work which needs to be undertaken and on any improvements which need to be made
- Gives you confidence that the system can withstand attacks
netlogx is also here to guide you through developing a hardened configuration. These allow your system to do what it needs to without any unnecessary features or capabilities, which increases your system’s integrity and its resistance to attack.