Information alignment is when an organization uses information technology (IT) to accomplish various business objectives. A key factor to alignment is understanding how processes use and produce data while ensuring data management runs effectively and efficiently. It’s crucial to have a tight grasp on how your organization’s information is processed, organized, structured, and presented. We ensure your data maps to your company’s objectives to implement processes that are streamlined, opportunities that are documented and prioritized, as well as mapped to clear outcomes.
When the data is processed, organized, structured, or presented in any given context, it becomes ‘“information,” and it’s this information that businesses need to meet their missions, goals, and objectives. We like to refer to this as your “information alignment.”

To get started, a netlogx data architect will assess the unique information needs of your business. We’ll then look at how this information is collected, developed, stored, and used. This assessment clearly identifies the owners, custodians, and users of your data. It also documents and analyzes gaps, issues, and inefficiencies, which our data architects will help you resolve.
We provide the expertise you and your business need. Better yet, we take on the responsibility of guiding you through the project. We make the entire process easy by managing, monitoring, and coordinating activities with business management, subject matter experts (SMEs), contractors, and business partners. The complete service is made up of two parts: an analysis phase and a recommendations phase. Together, they form an information alignment project that can:
- Gather and document your business’s missions, goals, and objectives.
- Establish what information is used to make sure that the missions, goals, and objectives are met.
- Create an “as-is” process model that maps which information is used by which process.
- Document gaps or areas that need improvement.
- Develop a logical data model for the business.
- Assess underlying data management processes, tools, and techniques.
- Confirm findings with your business SMEs.
- Develop recommendations for remediation.
- Develop recommendations for data management tools and technologies.
- Develop a transition road map, including a high-level timeline and deliverables.
Ready to get started? Request a consultation today.