Gather: “Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much” – Helen Keller
How to Be Healthy in a Dairy Free World
In a world where milk is an essential ingredient in foods such as cheese, yogurt, cottage cheese, cream cheese, sour cream, cookies, and baked goods (which are all items I thoroughly enjoy), I was shocked when my doctor recommended that I eliminate dairy products from my diet completely.
Gratitude Wish in El Camino
Endorsing charitable causes/events seems to be an important part of an organization’s culture, and netlogx is no exception.
Sunshine, My only Sunshine
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“Chain-ge” Does it Bind or Break?
We experience change every day of our lives. From the moment we are born, our education, work life, body, mind, and environment has changed, and will continue to do so.
Imagine my surprise when my sister randomly called me in April to ask if I would be interested in traveling to Florida to spend time with her, my niece and nephew
Interview with Laura Shanahan, netlogx Senior Consultant
A completed task, whether it be work related or not, always brings me joy.
Change is a Process – Not an Event
When I think about change, I recall one of Mahatma Gandhi’s famous quotes, “You must be the change you wish to see in the world.”
Stakeholder Management: Lions, Tigers and Bears! Oh My!
Or, shall we say, managing project Clients, Vendors and Resources! Oh My!
Business Process Mapping: Visual Maps for Visual Learners
There is some truth to the saying, “a picture is worth a thousand words.”
Thanks for all you have done for me, netlogx!
Have you ever wanted to leave your employment because you were not given the tools and training to “move up” or achieve the next level?