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Goals for Physical Wellness

April was National Physical Wellness Month, and here at netlogx, many of us challenged ourselves to be healthier! Although April has come to a close, I know I will be trying to carry my goals [...]

Is Honesty the Best Policy?

I know we are told that honesty is the best policy but as National Honesty Day approaches I wonder is that really the case? I had a recent experience whereby I provided honest feedback to [...]

Lack of Honesty – We All Have It!

During the last session I had with my coach (yes I have my own coach as well), she asked me what my clients all had in common. And what quickly came up for me was [...]

Earth Day

As netlogx consultants, we do our fair share of traveling by public transportation, automobiles, and airplanes all of which allow us ample opportunity to look out at the world from city streets and interstates, as [...]

Go with the Flow

A great perk of working at netlogx is the availability of classes from a company named trueU. trueU provides its members with classes that cover self-improvement across a broad range of topics. I recently attended [...]

Survive and Thrive

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