Celebrating netlogx’ Intern Development Program

by | Jul 30, 2020

netlogx’ Intern Development Program is exactly that – a development program. At netlogx, interns experience and accomplish much more than the “usual” internship. 

After completing the intern onboarding process, interns then receive their tasks and projects. If an intern is interested in a specific area or department, netlogx is able to provide tasks within the area of interest. For example, an intern was able to concentrate on Information Technology activities, which coincided with his major.

Intern Collage

Substantial projects is another highlight of the Intern Development Program. To name a few, interns have completed projects for local nonprofits, including data management work. Interns have created and held a booth at Ignite Your Superpower Event for Women and HiTech, which introduces STEM topics to middle-school girls.  Interns have assisted with internal projects such as business development research and outreach support, updating operational processes and procedures as well as writing a series of blogs for the company’s external newsletter. Finally, interns have organized and executed our company-wide Team Building Meeting in the summer.

Not only does netlogx offer valuable tasks and projects for interns, the netlogx Intern Development Program is also award winning. netlogx is the proud recipient of the Indiana Chamber of Commerce INTERN.net IMPACT Awards for:

  • Intern Employer of the Year (2015)
  • Intern Supervisor of the Year (2019)
  • Nominated for Intern of the Year (2019)

You don’t have to just take our word for it. Here are a couple of testimonials from past netlogx interns!

“My summer internship at netlogx taught me professionalism and allowed me to make meaningful connections, but when my internship was extended, I developed confidence in my work and skills while being reminded that there is always more to learn.” – Erin Moher, Summer Intern 2020

“As I take a moment to reflect on my time working as an intern at netlogx, I feel a sense of accomplishment. Instead of running errands and fetching coffee for the full-time team members, the netlogx Intern Development Program provides a sense of inclusion and encourages development. From researching potential clients for the company, to initiating and conducting a charitable project with the other interns, I have gained valuable experience and feel as though I have developed as an individual and as a professional. In addition, this program has emphasized the importance of supporting other team members and being open to constructive feedback. This internship has been a learning process, but I believe I have become a more responsible and efficient individual and I credit the internship program and the team members who were supportive of me along the way. I strongly recommend this program to individuals seeking work experience that will positively influence their development as a team-oriented professional in any field of work.” – Ben Harrison, Summer Intern 2016

“My internship with netlogx has been extraordinarily remarkable, unquestionably life-changing. I have taken in numerous new lessons from the different projects that were designated to me, and additionally gained from the other interns and netlogx team-members. I enjoy being here and sincerely I think I will miss it. netlogx has taught me numerous things about the business world, and it has been an opportunity worth taking. netlogx team is doing an incredible job, by making this a remarkable and unique organization. I will always be grateful to the Indiana Latino Institute and netlogx for this phenomenal experience, this internship has surpassed my expectations, and has taken me to another level in my professional development. I will always cherish the moments in which everyone at netlogx was very supportive, and helped me through tough personal times; my mom and I will always be grateful.” – Karla Nerio, Summer Intern, 2015

netlogx’ Intern Development Program provides interns with the chance to gain key skills in a fast-paced, realistic work environment to help kick-start their professional development. If you want to learn more about the Intern Development Program, please click here.

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