
About Vicki Chabot

Vicki Chabot is the Chief Human Resources Office for netlogx. With a passion for people and streamlined process, over the past decade, Vicki’s strategic HR leadership has fostered an award-winning culture, including a ten-time designation as a Best Places to Work in Indiana company, as well as numerous awards for the netlogx’ Intern Development Program she created. Having enjoyed a diverse career path, Vicki began her journey working at a Fortune 50 company as a technical helpdesk analyst, where she progressed to a number of team leader positions, including managing a multilingual, international helpdesk. Vicki went on to manage an international team working for a multinational gas and oil company, as well as teaching high school Spanish and French. Vicki graduated from the University of Liverpool with honors and obtained a postgraduate Certificate in Education from Edge Hill University.

Hidden Risk by Sandy Beck

By |2022-09-05T13:48:37-04:00October 1st, 2015|

Have you ever had that feeling in your gut that something wasn’t quite right with your project?  Or the nagging thought that you were overlooking something?  While an impending project risk may not be as evident as being chased by a bear, that underlying feeling of unease may be your body’s “fight or flight” response [...]

Tips For Setting Yourself Up For Success

By |2022-09-05T13:42:28-04:00September 3rd, 2015|

As my time at netlogx comes to a close, I would first off like to thank them for such a great learning experience in my last summer of being in an intern role. They have shown me what things I value in a future career and the qualities in a business environment that cannot be [...]

The Best of Four Worlds

By |2022-09-05T13:41:34-04:00August 20th, 2015|

During the few months I have been interning at netlogx, I have had the opportunity to experience many different sides of the company. Specifically, four different worlds in which the company operates including training opportunities, internal development projects, networking opportunities, and client work. The first world I have been able to explore at netlogx is [...]

Connecting the Dots

By |2022-09-05T13:38:34-04:00August 6th, 2015|

“Globalization is the process by which geographic constraints on economic, social and cultural arrangements recede, thus increasing our global interdependence.”  Branson R. (2007) Globalisation Laid Bare, p 39, Gibson Square, London If we stop to consider the growing connectivity between nations, beyond using silk sourced from China to create a blouse in London to be worn [...]

Creating Effective Teams: Don’t forget about the Members!

By |2022-09-05T13:37:49-04:00July 30th, 2015|

I was recently provided a book to review (Wheelan, Susan A., Creating Effective Teams, 5th edition, 2015 SAGE Publications, Inc.) about how effective teams are created and the evolution that successful teams typically follow.  As netlogx consultants, we normally exist on several teams at any given time, whether that be an internal team comprised of [...]

The Darknet

By |2022-09-03T17:00:17-04:00May 14th, 2015|

The best way to describe the darknet is to first change its name. For two reasons. First, there is only one internet. Almost every time someone refers to the darknet, it's perceived as its own separate thing. This is not true. There is only one internet and just two ways that information travels:  the clearnet, [...]

This is Not the Career I Ordered

By |2022-09-03T16:57:39-04:00May 7th, 2015|

I recently attended a Women in Business presentation by Caroline Dowd-Higgins who spoke on her thought provoking book, “This is not the career I ordered.  Opera to Orator.” With an ever increasing number of different career choices on offer, about 1/3 of the total workforce will now change jobs every 12 months. By the age [...]

netlogx and Sustainable Competitive Advantage

By |2022-09-03T16:52:47-04:00March 19th, 2015|

Sustainable competitive advantage, as defined by Aaker in his book Strategic Market Management, is “an element (or combination of elements) of the business strategy that provides meaningful advantage over both existing and future competitors.” So what does that mean in laymen’s terms? To me a sustainable competitive advantage (SCA) is what distinguishes your company.  That [...]

Project Management: Art or Science?

By |2022-09-03T16:57:28-04:00February 19th, 2015|

What differentiates a great project manager from a good project manager?  What makes someone better at project management than someone else?  Is project management something that anyone can do if they follow a methodology from an organization such as the Project Management Institute (PMI)?  These are questions management wrestles with every time they go to [...]

The Data Cloud

By |2022-09-03T16:50:23-04:00February 12th, 2015|

Whether you consciously recognize it or not, we are all being affected by the increasing rate of change throughout business.  One statistic is: what used to take 10 years to change now can change in one year.  While the increasing rate of business change may or may not be affecting your job specifically, there are [...]

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