As my time at netlogx comes to a close, I would first off like to thank them for such a great learning experience in my last summer of being in an intern role. They have shown me what things I value in a future career and the qualities in a business environment that cannot be compromised. I truly am blessed to say that I have had the experience to work here.
When faced with the challenge to write a blog for the netlogx website one subject came to my mind first. With my great internship experience over the past few summers at two Forbes 500 list companies and currently netlogx, I thought I would share some of the things to future interns I have learned about setting yourself up for internship success.
As an intern you are looked to maximize your small stent of time at the company. Therefore make sure you go that extra mile and take on multiple responsibilities, but don’t make the fatal blunder of over committing and under performing. Your hard work will be noticed and your accomplishments appreciated. Be sure to have a full list of them before your time ends.
Relationship building is a key component to being successful in an internship role. Reach out to others even though they might not be in your direct working circle. Learn about what similarities you have with other co-workers to use as talking points. Go to as many extra-curricular activities as you can balance with co-workers including lunches, coffee, talks, etc. Build the kind of relationships that last over time.
Learn, learn, learn. Squeeze as much training and learning experiences as you can out of your internship experience. This might be the only opportunity that you get to learn about their company specific topics. You are also able to build a healthier resume since those trainings can be added to your accomplishments section. Also, learn about what specific things you like or dislike about the company, the industry, and the environment. That is the essence of what all internships are about. Giving you a first-hand look into a company as well as yourself.
Be sure to leave a great impression before you leave the company. One of the best ways to do that is by taking the time to thank everyone you have been in contact with. Write a thank you letter to your co-workers and tell them about how much their presence and teaching has impacted your life. It also helps if you bring in something sweet too, hint hint!
I hope these lessons will be beneficial to your internships in the future and help you make that lasting impression on a company. My dad always told me ‘It’s not about what you do to get into the door; it’s about what you do to impact the room and how you leave it on your way out’.