What brings you joy?

At the end of the day, about 6 p.m., I review what I have done at the end of the day, and if I have had a full day, that brings me joy. Six [in the afternoon] is my favorite time of day, because the workday is over, and I can see everything I have accomplished. Marking off [tasks] is a good feeling.

What would you like to learn?

Anything technology-related. My degree is in Information Technology, and because of the constant changes [in technology], anytime there’s a new thing out, I get so excited about it, about what is the latest and greatest stuff. I always try to take any tech webinars that are available for free [because] I constantly want to be learning about that stuff. If college weren’t so expensive, I would be there learning.

 Who or what inspires you?

I would have to say, my mother. She was born in the 1930s – she’s going to be 91 – and she is so strong, has all her faculties, and is physically able to do anything. She is like my superwoman. I learned all my work ethics from her. She is amazing and a hero. 

What is your proudest moment at netlogx?

When I first started [at netlogx], I worked on the New Mexico project where I was assigned to deputy director for the M.A. division, the Medicaid Assistance division. They were massive meetings – I used all my skill set from the different jobs I’d had. Within two weeks, we revised how things might look in the future, and that took maybe a year and a half. And when it was all said and done, I would look back and think, I don’t know how we did that, it was amazing. We were in and out of these meetings, making sure everything was going well. [Even] when we had to go remote during COVID, we made it work. That has to be my proudest moment…seeing a project come to fruition is amazing.

 If you could talk to your teenage self, what would you say?

I would say calm down and believe in yourself. You know what you are doing. Focus on what you are doing instead of what others are thinking — peers and people around you. I think I used to be pretty stressed out, but now I think, ‘chill out, be in the moment.’

 What is your favorite book or movie, and why?

I like everything from action to comedy to romance. What I don’t like in movies is horror, but I like the books. I’m reading a horror Steven King book (Gwendy’s Final Task), but I would never watch the movie. Books I can put it down and think, ‘It’s just a book,’ but visuals stick with you for a long time. I have no specific title, I read books like crazy.

What does project management mean to you?

To me, it’s like telling people it’s okay, change is fine, change is good, and it’s going to make life better and will alleviate some problems you may be having with certain tasks. When we step into a meeting room, we’re there to help. 

 What does wellness at netlogx mean to you?

I have never worked for a company that had this many benefits, it’s amazing. I had my medical bills paid, but with all the wellness dollars, I have to remind myself to spend it. I went grocery shopping with a friend and got all this organic food. I told her the company reimbursed me, and she could not believe it. It’s amazing they’re helping us to better ourselves. It helps, and it’s wonderful.

How would you describe netlogx’ culture?

Amazing. I have never worked for a company that hired so many women and people with diverse backgrounds. There was a point when I worked for a company that was always hiring a certain demographic: white men of a certain age. I pointed it out to them, and they hadn’t even realized they were doing it, so they started changing their hiring decisions. That doesn’t happen at netlogx. We have all types of demographics of age, gender, and different ethnicities. It’s awesome, and I’m very appreciative because I think all of our different backgrounds make for a colorful bouquet.

 What is a fun fact about you? Or the most exciting thing you’ve ever done or place you’ve ever been?

I haven’t traveled in quite a while, but I think visiting Rochester, New York. A friend and I decided to go a week early and visit Washington D.C. You see pictures, but actually being there is ‘wow’. We took a non-regular tour of the White House…and saw where they do the voting in the House of Representatives. It was pretty amazing. It makes you feel more patriotic.