What brings you joy?

I would say firstly my son, and family and friends. Family is really important to me. 

What would you like to learn?

I would love to learn another language, like Spanish, which would be useful because I live in Florida. I would also love to learn to play an instrument. I can read music, but I want to be able to play the guitar as well.

Who or what inspires you?

I would have to say, my dad. In the last year, he has been through some pretty serious medical challenges. He had to have a below-the-knee leg amputation, and just to see him make it through that journey…to finally have a prosthetic – just to see him hold out some hope that he would be able to walk again was really incredible. I would get really down because it was hard to maintain a positive attitude, but he would be incredible.

What is your proudest moment at netlogx?

Feeling like I’m finally to the point where I can speak intelligently about what we do as an organization and present that to potential clients…in a way that they can understand and are able to digest well.

If you could talk to your teenage self, what would you say?

I would say to not be in such a hurry to grow up, and to really fully appreciate each stage of life as you’re going through it. 

What is your favorite book or movie and why?

My favorite book is The Catcher in the Rye, and the why is because it’s about a main character who is discovering who he is, and I think that’s something that I strive to do all the time. You can always be learning about yourself and growing.

What does project management mean to you?

I came from the hospitality world, which is very project orientated, so I think for me project management is identifying a challenge or a project and creating a plan around how to manage that project and executing it, and seeing the circle of beginning-to-end time frame. 

What does wellness at netlogx mean to you?

It’s something we are really good at. We tend to look at wellness as a whole person aspect. It is really important to address physical health but mental health, as well. We do a good job at bringing the team together with the remote challenges, and those links amongst employees are so important, that comradery. The monthly steps challenge for instance gives us a way to keep up with each other.

How would you describe netlogx’ culture?

I would describe it as very inclusive and with an emphasis on each of us having a solid work-life balance.

What is a fun fact about you? Or the most exciting thing you’ve ever done or place you’ve ever been?

Fun fact about me is that my ultimate lifestyle goal would be to modify a van and just be able to travel around the country, just live everywhere and nowhere at the same time, chasing the good weather.