Good program management is the glue that holds projects, teams, and entire organizations together. However, there are numerous misconceptions when it comes to this vital part of organizational growth. But not to worry—netlogx can lift the shroud of mystery covering certain aspects of program management. Read up on some common myths and why they don’t reflect reality.

1. Always Stick to Your Process

Program managers and project management professionals in all industries treat their processes like their personal holy grails. While processes certainly are a crucial part of any program, it’s dangerous to rely on them too much. Following old processes blindly can lead to even more problems than if you’d strayed from the process in the first place. Use your processes as a guideline, but not a written-in-stone rule. After all, good program management relies on more than just processes—it also counts on teamwork, proper resources, and good decision-making.

2. It’s Okay to Skip Documentation

Sometimes we get so caught up in meeting our business objectives and running successful programs that we forget about the small day-to-day tasks. Even when you’re energized to get the job done, be sure you don’t forget about documentation. While you don’t want to get too tied up in the paperwork, it’s always a good idea to keep track of what works and what doesn’t. Later on, you can refer back to your documentation to hone future projects.

3. PM Software Isn’t Worth the Investment

Management consulting is getting smarter, and there is plenty of program management software on the market today. Why not use these new resources? Although it’s important not to rely too heavily on technology, it’s good practice to use software solutions to streamline processes and communication. Purchasing this software brand-new may mean additional expenses on the project’s bank statement, but making the splurge is often worth it in the long run.

4. Failure Is the End 

Project coordinators with many managed projects in their portfolio will tell you that failure is never a reason to give up. In fact, a perceived failure often teaches us just as much as a success story. So, instead of cutting your losses and canceling the program, it might be worth it to reevaluate your approach. Take a look at your strategic goals, and brainstorm other methods that could put the project back together. When you frame failure as a learning experience, you’re better equipped to help your clients and grow your organization.

5. Program Management Is Easy

Program management takes a special set of skills and is by no means easy. Working with ever-changing programs and projects requires a lot of know-how and the ability to be flexible in the face of a challenge. While not just anyone can be a good program manager, you certainly can grow into one with some elbow grease and a strong support system. New program managers shouldn’t be afraid to talk to veteran team members to learn more about best practices on the job. If you have the time, you may even want to attend a workshop or enroll in a certification program. Project and program coordination isn’t easy, especially in a crisis, but success is around the corner for those with a solid work ethic. 

Hone Your Program Management Processes with netlogx

Now that we’ve dispelled common program management myths, it’s time to get started on your next big project. With help from netlogx, you can navigate your upcoming program or project with ease. Our consultants have years of experience helping organizations just like yours manage change and new processes. Get in touch with us today to schedule a consultation.