Getting more organized is a long-term goal for so many people. When it comes to information management, staying organized is more than just an objective—it’s a necessity. But not to worry—getting your vital information organized isn’t as complicated as it might seem. Read up on netlogx’ tips for managing information and ensuring your organization software stays easy to navigate. 

1. Use Specific Naming Conventions 

Think about how you title your files in the cloud, Google Drive, or another database. In order to sort your information efficiently, you’ll need to title your documents more specifically than just “project draft 1.” Set naming conventions for your team and train your staff to use them as well. Insist on descriptive file names while avoiding prohibited characters such as backslashes and asterisks. Keep in mind the maximum file path length is 260 characters, so don’t go overboard! Getting your data classification down to a science will be well worth the effort. 

2. Create a Catch-All Folder

Now that your files have logical names, it’s time to put them in an accessible place. Start with a “catch-all” folder for all documents you create. You can use a default location (such as a generic “My Documents” folder) to achieve this purpose. By managing your data with a catch-all folder, you’ll know all your documents are accessible in one convenient location. Overall, our approach to information management is concerned with clarity, traceability, and efficiency. 

3. Logically Nest Folders Within Folders 

Although you want one catch-all folder, you can’t simply throw all your documents in without any further organization. Instead, create a logical system that nests smaller folders with bigger ones. For example, you could have a general documents folder, which contains a folder labeled “Financial Statements.” Within the financial statements folder, you can store all your earnings reports for quick access. Once you get a logical system set up, you’ll never lose a file in a chaotic folder. 

4. Develop an Information Lifecycle Management Strategy 

Next, it’s time to get a plan in place for getting rid of old information. While some files you’ll need to keep forever, others can be thrown out after a year. Start thinking about how you’ll manage documents from their creation to deletion. Take a look at your company policy and determine if it’s best to archive everything or destroy unneeded information. When you take information lifecycle management seriously, you reduce your chances of a data breach or loss. 

5. Always Have a Backup and Anticipate Risks 

Once everything is properly sorted and you have a plan for how data will eventually be archived, you can invest time into information risk management. First things first, you should always have a backup of your files. Some organizations store these backups onsite, while others choose an offsite provider to keep their documents safe and sound. Whatever your circumstances, the netlogx team can help you decide how to safely store information. It’s also a good idea to begin thinking about how your business would recover in the event of a data emergency. netlogx’ expertise in business continuity planning can help you assess risk and plan for the unexpected. 

Build Your Information Management Plan with netlogx

Creating an airtight information management plan is a crucial part of running a business in the digital age. Whether your organization is for-profit or non-profit, netlogx has solutions that can be tailored to your unique needs. Our management consulting firm is dedicated to helping you take your organization to the next level. Consult with a member of our team today.