Nick Petrone

Roman Catholic, dad, husband, brother, uncle, cousin, friend, servant, music lover, American, Irvingtonian, Hoosier, lover of life and liberty

  1. What brings you joy?

    Faith, family, friends (and football)

  2. What are you most afraid of?

    Causing any harm to other people.

  3. What would you like to learn?

    I would like to discover/learn what God’s plan is for me

  4. Who or what inspires you?

    My faith, people who truly live by their faith, people who overcome major obstacles, my wife and children.

  5. If you could talk to your teenage self what would you say?

    1) I would recommend that he consider how his words said in jest or to invoke a reaction might be perceived to others. 2) Let it go!

  6. What is your favorite book/Movie and why?

    (Movie, I have not yet read the book) The Godfather – I am struck by the clarity by which Vito Corleone leads his life. There is a clear “code” by which he makes decisions and a crystal clear lens from which he sees the world. While there are clearly behaviors that he exhibits that are in deep contrast with my own understanding of right and wrong, I admire his tremendous dedication to his family and the depth of his loyalty, as well as his willingness to seize the moment to take control of his own destiny and that of his family.

  7. What would you, or have you written on the netlogx before I die board?

    When I was asked this previously, I described my hope of discovering, in essence, that my life had a positive impact.

  8. Why do you need to use a consultant?

    When I think of consultants, I naturally I think of those within netlogx, who dedicate themselves to doing the right things for the right reasons, and, ultimately, enable our clients to overcome challenges and operate more productively.