Throughout the past year, netlogx provided professional services and resources to help those in Indiana affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. From assisting government agencies with tracking and communication to lending a helping hand to neighbors, the netlogx team offered aid anywhere we could as a way to serve the communities we live and work in.

Ventilator Tracking

At the onset of the pandemic, as states, including Indiana, continued to battle newly reported COVID-19 cases daily, national and state health officials were trying to keep up with the demand for critical care supply needs such as ventilators and personal protective equipment. 

netlogx provided consulting services to the Indiana State Department of Health (ISDH) for various pandemic response initiatives beginning in the onset of the pandemic in March 2020 to today. Our consultants assisted ISDH to account for the supply and demand of ventilators in real time for hospitals statewide. 

Then, we were asked to help identify, track, and determine the logistics of ventilator transportation to the areas of the state that were seeing surges of COVID-19 cases and needed them most. Through strategic process and program management, we were able to provide a real-time look at the supply and demand for ventilators in hospitals around the state.

Using data supplied by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), and other healthcare sources, netlogx collected information about ventilator use and availability. The information detailed medical equipment providers, Hoosier emergency medical service entities, and others that had access to ventilators and anesthesia vents throughout the state.

When additional need was identified for Marion County, netlogx worked with the Department of Homeland Security to shift and deliver ventilators to those who needed them most. 

The ventilators were tracked in a dashboard displaying bottom line numbers of ventilator availability throughout the state. The information was then reported to the state health department which fed the information to the public-facing coronavirus website.  As a result, ISDH was able to use the data to help them be better prepared to quickly react to any surge areas to offer this life-saving equipment for Hoosiers battling the pandemic.

Managing Change Toolkit

Only a few months after the pandemic began, netlogx created and released a suite of tools to advise organizations that were working to address business changes caused by the pandemic and thrive in the new normal. 

The free “Managing Change” business toolkit provided proven, streamlined steps to create new business process models and business continuity plans to address future disruptions.

The worksheet in this toolkit guides leaders through the first steps that should be considered as they restart or expand business operations. It advises the best ways to take stock in what they have and how it will be changed in the future. 

An on-demand webinar was also included in the toolkit and tapped the expertise of a senior business consultant at netlogx with more than 30 years of experience in business process re-engineering. In the webinar, business leaders learned:

  • Critical steps to survive and thrive in this new economic climate
  • Ways to shift mindsets and position the business well now and in the future
  • How to restructure moving forward, including the creation of new business models
  • Review processes that will help provide clarity and actionable takeaways

Many people found this toolkit to be useful in rethinking their current and future operations during COVID. 

Contact Tracing Program

netlogx helps Indiana ramp up its COVID-19 statewide contact tracing effort

In July of 2020, netlogx assisted with ongoing support for the Indiana Centralized Contact Tracing Program (ICCTP), which worked to monitor the spread of COVID-19 in Indiana by notifying and educating positive COVID-19 cases and close contacts. netlogx provided project management assistance to establish the Maximus call center and to develop a centralized, technology-based database enabling the  tracking and reporting of COVID-19 contract tracing results.

netlogx consultants provided project coordination support such as tracking action items and the development of presentation materials and training guides that local health departments could use, which continue to be evolved.  

Workplace Safety Regulations Liability Report

Some litigators say the best protection for business owners is to adopt and document the measures taken to help protect workers. Additionally, many business insurance providers now require documentation for how businesses are tracking COVID-19.

In response to this need, netlogx created the COVID-19 Workplace Safety Regulations Liability Report, which captures, documents, and demonstrates that a business adhered to a myriad of required regulations and mandates. Establishing confidence as a safe workplace is paramount for businesses and organizations with any number of employees, customers, clients, and members.

COVID Liability Page

The database repository report netlogx released contains a comprehensive list of industry-specific, federal and state OSHA and CDC workplace safety recommendations and requirements, including the start and stop dates for government mandates. 

The report is designed to provide evidence of dates when regulations were implemented by a business. It also allows leaders to attach supporting documentation such as photos of a workplace layout or safety protocol signage.  

Continued COVID-19 Aid

Today, netlogx consultants manage enhancements for the COVID-19 School Case Reporting portal where Indiana’s K-12 schools can submit a school’s positive cases and document close contacts to monitor.

Team members are also expanding the existing 211 COVID-19 vaccine call center. The Indiana 211 line is a free service that connects Hoosiers with help and answers from thousands of health and human service agencies and resources available close by —quickly, easily, and confidentially. As call volume increases, netlogx is helping add additional call center agents. 

The #netlogxteam Offers Needed Help

While netlogx team members aided those affected by COVID-19 at work, staff also personally donated generous contributions to their communities outside the office, too. Helping wherever they could, netlogx team members: 

  • Purchased gift cards for the non-essential services they regularly used
  • Helped elderly neighbors with grocery pickup and delivery, check in, and bringing meals
  • Mailed notes to kids out of school with suggestions for fun activities at home
  • Loaned an RV to a nurse who has two young kids and husband and didn’t want to risk infecting them 
  • Bought and donated food to local food pantries 
  • Donated supplies for organizations and individuals to make face masks

Thank you to the #netlogxteam for all of their contributions to the community.

netlogx is an award-winning, two-decade-old, Women Business Enterprise (WBE) consulting services firm headquartered in Indianapolis. We help clients nationwide navigate change and make it work for them, leveraging our Lean Six Sigma-based business process mapping (BPM) expertise.