
Thoughtful Information Management Requires Harmony

By |2022-09-11T16:02:22-04:00May 22nd, 2020|

Information is the lifeblood of your organization, so it’s important to ensure your information is serving you to its best ability. There are three considerations to take into account when determining how to maximize the value of your information. You must first understand what it is that you have, then consider what you can do [...]

How I’m Handling COVID-19

By |2022-09-11T15:58:28-04:00May 21st, 2020|

With the entire state adjusting amidst these strange times, my life has also seen a complete overhaul. As my Indiana University classes transition to an online forum and I move back home, I’ve had my fair share of struggles. Since the Little 500 bike races were canceled, which was my biggest extracurricular activity, I’ve found [...]

Take Time to Reflect

By |2022-09-11T15:57:26-04:00May 14th, 2020|

Transitioning from college into the proverbial “real world” can be challenging at times. Going from having classes four days per week, three hours a day, to a full-time 8-5 Monday-Friday job is a huge shock to the system. I am less than a year removed from college and am experiencing the full brunt of this [...]

Health and Wellbeing During COVID-19 Outbreak

By |2022-09-11T15:56:23-04:00May 7th, 2020|

Change has been prevalent in the last few months, specifically regarding COVID-19 (also known as coronavirus). Government officials released “stay-at-home” orders across the United States and beyond. While some companies are updating and implementing new policies to allow employees to work from home, unfortunately, some employees are being laid off until the panic of the [...]

Whatever Works for You

By |2022-09-11T15:54:03-04:00April 17th, 2020|

Although, we all have different areas of wellness that we find important, here are a few types that I personally choose to focus on. I’ve included a standard definition for each but note that there are varying definitions, and these may or may not pertain to you: Physical wellness: the ability to maintain a healthy [...]

Communication: The Key to Success for Organizational Change

By |2022-09-11T15:49:54-04:00April 17th, 2020|

At netlogx one of our core practices is Organizational Change Management, which is just one of the ways we help organizations manage change from the top down. Being agents of positive change, at all levels of an enterprise, is challenging. One of the biggest obstacles is the difference in communication methods across an organization. Processes, [...]

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